Coronavirus: Research Guidance for the ChristianaCare Community >


The Grants Administration Team of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is responsible for reviewing and submitting all grant applications and proposals to federal, state and private funding agencies on behalf of Christiana Care. The team reviews solicitations and funding announcements to ensure that proposals comply with the guidelines of the sponsor and the policies of Christiana Care prior to submitting to the funding agency. The team assists with developing budgets and review required documentation to ensure compliance and institutional approval for each submission. The Grants Team facilitates award contracting in collaboration with the Legal Department for grant related activities. In addition, the team provides education and oversight for a variety of sponsored program activities. 


Institutional Specific Information Needed for Grant Submission
Grant Proposal Packet 2018 Grant Proposal Packet 2018
Letter of Interest Letter of Interest Edit
Temporary PI Eligibility Form
90 Day Request
Christiana Care Subrecipient Commitment Form
Christiana Care Proposal Data Sheet 2019
Contract Renewal Amend Request
Copy of Budget Internal Personnel National
Creating a Digital Signature in Adobe Reader
Do Not Bill – Outpatient Only
Effort Reporting Resource Information Form
Grant Submission SOP
Grant Submission SOP Diagram
IRB Statement of Compliance
New Independent Contractor
NIH Updated Electronic App Forms
Research Patient Charges Manual
Office of Extramural Research/National Institutes of Health
National Science Foundation
USA Government Grants and Resources